Our Philosophy

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What we do, and why we do it

As a team of early learning practitioners, we view our roles at 'Dragonfly Play & Learn' as facilitators of exploration, discovery, creativity and relationships. Our ethos is constructed on the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. We position the child as a capable person who is knowledgeable and competent. From birth, a child is a citizen who holds a status of importance and respect, is a self-directed learner and a communicator with a voice to be valued and noticed.

At the core of our philosophy rests the notion that children are autonomous and as care providers we build a rich learning partnership with the children in our centre. As part of our democratic view point we support, guide, provoke and extend the child’s learning by following the thinking and theories the child presents through their play. We navigate our intentional teaching focus with thoughtfulness and respect toward the interests of the child and, with careful consideration, connect this learning with the Early Years Learning Framework.

Embedded in our centre you will find a strong culture of children’s agency. We hold the conviction that children develop a strong sense of self when they are entrusted with responsibility, risk taking, decision making and access to active participation in matters that are important to them. Family and culture is highly valued and recognised for its critical influence in forming the identity of a child.

Family involvement

When educators in an early childhood setting work in partnership with families, a child’s learning is enriched. We value all cultures and backgrounds and look forward to the possibility of having parents involved in our curriculum.

Specialists in Early Childhood

Each of our early childhood practitioners is highly dedicated and experienced. The team is directed by a Bachelor qualified early childhood teacher with a passion for educational excellence. One of the core values within the philosophy at 'Dragonfly Play & Learn' is a cohesive team of staff committed to ongoing professional development. Regular team meetings devoted to reflective dialogue amongst educators allows the whole team to share a united direction toward the learning possibilities that the children offer.